Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oh No!

Someone visited looking for 'what happens to spiders when they are hoovered?' I do hoover them up but I haven't gone as far as emptying the dust bag to see their fate. - Sorry.


Phyllis said...

EEEEEEEEEEEEE! They multiply and become one big one to come get you in the night!! Mwahahahaha

A manager at a bar I worked at used one of the hand held battery powered small vac to capture all the bees. Of course they crawled out and flew back when he hung the vac back on the wall. hehehehe

Neutron said...

They end up on the world wide web.

Thanks for plugging my blog, too!

Anji said...

Phyllis: I always leave the hoover running for a while so they won't. I wouldn't hoover up bees though.

Neutron: Of course!

I've really enjoyed reading of your adventures!

John: It's true, but the thought of them crawling across the bed at night...

zoe said...

spiders should cease to exist. they have one leg too many.

Anji said...

Zoe: they have several legs too many.

Mary Lou said...

I squish them! with anything I can find! YUCK...I hate the buggers.

Anji said...

Mary Lou: I don't think I've got the stomach for cleaning up the 'squish'.