Sometimes the thoughts that pop into my head are bizarre as are the reasons why they pop in too. The images come from June Book 1965 one of my Christmas presents in 1964 when I was 9. I kept it because I loved the stories and articles in there and I still do. I was going to be a police woman when I grew up and I had a rabbit called Silky though I don’t remember the rabbit at all.
Back to the pictures. I don’t know if the series was exported to the States. Doris, Neutron, and Keith might remember it (Zoe &John G, you’re too young). The puppets lived in Rubovia and the story was written by Mr. Gordon Murray, who also made the puppets, my book tells me. It took three to six months to make a 30 minute episode. Don’t ask me why it popped into my head.
Does anyone remember Twizzle?