Thursday, November 10, 2005

Olivier’s next adventure
He came home on Saturday afternoon with a broken brake cable on his BMX, unfortunately it was the only break that worked that broke (if you follow me). He was only going as fast as possible down a one way street the wrong way and shot across the main road and hit a wall (I do wish he’d spare me the details). He was very lucky there was nothing coming in either road. He hurt his wrist, but as he didn’t bother to tell me till the evening I figured the damage wasn’t too serious.

A few years ago one of the village lads was killed on his moped, on a Saturday afternoon. He ignored the stop sign at the crossroads near his home, unfortunately the driver of the car that hit him had stolen the car and was driving way over the limit. I dragged out the story again to emphasize that 14 year olds are not immortal, to much rolling of eyes. It’s hard being a mother.

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