Saturday, February 20, 2010


As I was washing up after lunch I saw my first butterfly of the year. It was a Common Brimstone (Citron in French). The butterfly fluttered over the wall across the road and disappeared.

The lady at the post office saw two (red) squirrels as she walked to work through the park this morning. Last night when we went for a walk before going to bed we could hear two owls calling. Spring is in the air.


  1. I wish Spring was in the air here - I'm freezing!

  2. Citron is a good name for them. (I did one for the Downs book, here, BTW )

    I wish we had red squirrels close by. You have to travel for hours to get to the places they still survive, here. I remember the surprise registered by a German student when she saw a grey squirrel for the first time in Bristol; she'd never seen one before.

  3. Anonymous11:32 pm

    We have seagulls. Lots of them. And there was a bee buzzing around in my front porch the other day, but I think it was a mite confused.

  4. I had grey squirrels last year, but they left and never came back. It has been spring here for a month already. No snow for the Olympics, all the trees are blooming and the tulips are going to bloom a full month before they are supposed to. My grass is 6 " high, and I mowed it for the 2nd time yesterday! Now that everything is spring, it will probably freeze really hard and kill everything.

  5. How nice! I'm trying hard not to be envious.
    We've got a bit more of nasty weather to get through before we get to see a butterfly.

  6. Zed: I hope you're warmer now that the boiler has been mended.

    Dru: Your butterflies are beautiful. The problem with the brimstone is that it settles with its wings closed, though I expect that you discovered that....

    Graham: Would you believe that the seagulls around here are mute? All of the insects I've seen so far probably died of cold soon afterwards.

    Mary Lou: We haven't has to start mowing yet, but is won't be long now.

    Cas: The Brimstone is one that is sometimes seen in the snow! There is hope yet.


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