Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This morning the temperature was –6°C for the second day in a row. When I opened the shutters there was a single daisy standing defiantly against the elements.


  1. minus 6? -crikey! We're awash with snowdrops here...

  2. Crikey, that's colder than here. We had lovely sunshine yesterday.

  3. Anonymous2:58 pm

    One of things that has stopped me in mid sentence a number of times this last week has been the wonderful joyous sound of the birds singing. They seem to be telling all creation that spring is on the way. Lovely. Daffodils, snowdrops, daisies, crocus's all so lovely to see after winter.

    Thanks Anji

  4. Dru: My snowdrop is flowering at the moment. Much 'warmer' and wet today.

    Zed: We had the sunshine too, but too cold to go out.

    Helen: I've noticed the birds too. It's pleasing to the eye to see the first colours of the flowers again.

  5. Anonymous4:12 am

    That was the paragraph I have read for ages. The brave daisy! We are all like the daisy at times standing defiantly against the elements. lol :D Mysti

  6. Mysti: It is very true, we just have to believe in ourselves.

  7. How wonderful! I hope you got a picture.
    My crocus bulbs have sent up lots of leaves, but the flowers are about a month away - I think

  8. Envious! It'll be weeks before the slightest whiff of springs comes to Deepest Bavaria...

  9. Cas: I don't have a camera! It's fun to look for signs of spring I hope that your bulbs don't take too long.

    Neutron: The sun is shining here today, hope that you're keeping warm.


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