Wednesday, February 24, 2010

BlogExplosion logging in and surfing - or not

Perhaps I was too quick off the mark. It seems that the problem has now been fixed by an administrator. It will be interesting to see what happens next…

If you’re reading this chances are that you’ve come through Google or book- marked my blog for future reference. As I write some members cannot log in and if they do they are unable to surf. We are trying to find out what is going on, but as there is no administrator it’s very difficult. You should be able to log into the forums and even if you can’t log in, you can read the threads. We’re trying to keep them as up to date as possible. Please DO NOT send in a support ticket - there is no one to deal with them.

The good news is that, by chance a few days ago, I managed to find the names of some of the people at LiveUniverse that we wrote to last year. I’m not sure how many of them are still there. As some of you know as long ago as last September there were reports that LiveUniverse were unable to pay some of their employees. I’m going to try sending messages to them via LiveUniverse

I think it goes without saying; don’t buy any credits or banner impressions for the time being. If you paid using PayPal and want to get your money back you probably can – it certainly works like that on eBay.

What you can do to help

Spread the world! Post on your blog about what is happening, you can copy parts of this post if you like – I don’t mind. Ask other members that read your post to spread the word too. I’ll try to keep you updated on my blogs and the forums should be pretty active if the last few hours are anything to go by

Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible


  1. Anonymous2:19 pm

    I'll update today's post later or put it into tomorrow's post and include this notice for you with pleasure.

    Helen xx

  2. had the same problem too. they still have a bug on the ping my blog page but otherwise i managed to retrieve my blog back. :)

  3. The Sydman: Glad to hear that you're back with us. I expect that there will be one or two small bugs for a little while. Lets hope that this is the start of smoother days for everyone.

  4. Helen: Thanks for the offer of help, see comment left on your blog...

  5. Anonymous11:50 am

    I can log in and start to surf, but can't see any numbers in the part of the surf bar where you're supposed to click on a number after the 30 seconds tick down to get to the next blog. Tried viewing in both Firefox and IE, but couldn't see any numbers in either browser :(

  6. Anon: It seems to be coming and going at the moment. It was working a couple of hours ago and then it stopped. I tried refreshing the page which got me my credit, but only the first time that I did it.

    I know that BlogExplosion has changed servers, could it be due to that?

  7. Kelson: He was a systems admin. I suppose we know now that someone wants to keep blogexplosion alive. I'm still not seeing numbers when I try to surf.

    There is some good news, the system we use to approve blogs is working very smoothly at the moment.

  8. wow we all have the same problems.

    now when i click on the actual site, some viral video blog appears!


    really, really crap!

  9. The Sydman; I saw it too. Just as I had a few minutes spare to approve blogs! It all seems to be back to normal as I write. At least we know that there is someone round to sort out the problems. Having said that, I still can't surf as there are no numbers to click on.

    I wonder what will happen next?

  10. nice blog...pls visit mine...


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties