Saturday, February 23, 2008

This one's for Mary Lou

I was walking through the park this morning as I do everyday on the way to the post office. When I reached one of the bigger trees I heard a noise from above and looked up to see two squirrels chasing each other round and round up the tree. When they got to the top they started to come back down again - that is until they saw me. The first squirrel stopped dead and after a couple of seconds the second poked his head round the side to see what (or who) had stopped their game.

It was lovely to see them as there have been a lot of road works by the park this week and tree roots being dug up in the park. They aren’t shy at all and stared me out till I continued on my way.


  1. Anji, if you realised how many birds eggs ang chicks they take you'd change your mind. They are a menace!

  2. John: These are red squirrels, not grey tree rats.

  3. Alas, there are too many cats roaming loose around here right now, so the gray squirrels are not here this year. I did have the tiny red ones last week. (Lola!)

  4. Squirrels, OK! But Sentence patterns and Adverbials; what would you expect? ;))
    Enjoy your Sunday!

  5. Mary Lou: I thought of you and Lola when I saw them.

    gmg: I prefer squirrels to grammar anyday.


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