Sunday, February 24, 2008


Sometimes the thoughts that pop into my head are bizarre as are the reasons why they pop in too. The images come from June Book 1965 one of my Christmas presents in 1964 when I was 9. I kept it because I loved the stories and articles in there and I still do. I was going to be a police woman when I grew up and I had a rabbit called Silky though I don’t remember the rabbit at all.

Back to the pictures. I don’t know if the series was exported to the States. Doris, Neutron, and Keith might remember it (Zoe &John G, you’re too young). The puppets lived in Rubovia and the story was written by Mr. Gordon Murray, who also made the puppets, my book tells me. It took three to six months to make a 30 minute episode. Don’t ask me why it popped into my head.

Does anyone remember Twizzle?


  1. Twizzle rings a bell ... or maybe a twizzle stick does ....

  2. Zoe: He was a cartoon character who had twizzly stretchy arms and legs AND I had a colouring book.

  3. Anonymous1:42 am

    No, sorry, I don't remember either.
    I was 28 in 1965, a bit too old for childrens probrams then.

  4. Anonymous1:44 am

    "probrams"? I meant "programs"!

  5. Um...nope. I was listening to the Beattles in those days!!

  6. Keith: I did wonder if perhaps you had small children who watched it; You would probably been hard at work earning money to pay for the TV licence;)
    I forgive your error!

    Phyllis: I doubt it got exported to the States anyway

  7. ...errrrmmmmm...very very vaguely. It was the duck which triggered a memory - didn't the puppet string use to go through its beak?

    The prog I want to find is Hammy Hamster's Tales of the Riverbank...

  8. Neutron: Do you mean the dragon? If you click on the picture you can see the strings.

    I loved the music to Tales of the Riverbank - perhaps you could play it to us...

  9. And I'd have been too young! And we didn't have a TV for a very long time or just on and off according to the current whim of my mother! Twizzle? My father used to affectionately call me twizzle but I don't suppose he'd remember why.

    It is wonderful when you get memories like these and then share them. :-)

  10. Doris: i remember our first TV being delivered. The bit I remember is bouncing around on the sofa in excitement. i'll have to dip into my June annual again.

  11. Anonymous7:46 am

    I'm not familiar with those, but I like them. They remind me a bit of the marionettes by Scott Radke.

  12. Kimberly: They are rather crude, compare them to the thunderbirds puppets not very long after.


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