Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Dom!

Dom was seven and a half years old when this photo was taken. Today she’s 21. I just can’t believe how the time has passed. Happy Birthday Dom! Hopefully she’s been able to take some time off from studying to celebrate in style. I wonder what time I should phone her up?

This is the second weekend that Olivier hasn’t been home. I’m really pleased that he’s bonding with his fellow students, as it were, but it’s very strange, especially today as Rob is working and I’m all on my own. Oh well, I can dream about all of the washing that’s sure to come my way…

Last night was a first for us. We’d decided to fetch a pizza from the pizza place in the village. It’s only open on Friday and Saturday nights. We discovered it’s not open at all in the winter months. So we decided to phone and have one delivered. Olivier and his friends have done it lots of times so we chose one of the companies he uses. The service was excellent, they delivered before the time they told us and the young girl (was she really old enough to drive?) that came to the door was really polite and chatty. Our call went though the Yellow Pages so she was in a bit of a panic when she saw the Parisian number (five hours drive!), she told me. Oh yes, the pizza was very good too.


  1. Happy Birthday to Dom :-) Glad the birthday pizza was good!!

  2. Awww Happy Birthday to Dom too. What a nice way to celebrate him by using his favourite pizza delivery!

    And as it was a first for you - isn't that exciting doing something different.

    On a related subject, isn't it so expensive to phone for a pizza? I don't know how young people can justify the expense of what is in effect a piece of dough and a sprinkle of topping. Bah humbug ;-)

  3. Josephine: I forgot to tell her about it when I spoke to her a few minutes ago. Apparently she was cooking all day yesterday and they filled her boyfriend's flat with friends.

    Doris: Ordering a pizza is just about as exciting as it gets these days! It cost 2€ for delivery as we only had one reasonably priced pizza, cheaper than getting the car out. Olivier and co. always pay for their own so that is their problem, I imagine the more you are in the group the cheaper it gets

  4. Happy birthday Dom! 21 already - kids, they grow up too fast these days. I think we should stop feeding them.

  5. Oh dear - I really do have Dom and Olivier mixed up! And I wasn't even drunk.

    My apologies to you Anji. It was Dom's birthday but it is Olivier who is newly away and on the pizza. I hope I have that sorted and am forgiven. >blush<

  6. Anonymous11:19 am

    Hi Anji
    Just wanted to reply to your comment on my own last blog entry. LOL! I know what you mean about a banana grove in England? When we moved into this house there was a very untidy area of the garden which had some years earlier been used as a veggy patch. I didn't have time to landscape it so I just cleared it and dug two circular small terraces into the ground to make a small ampitheatre space and then planted banana plants and in two circles on the terraces in the hope that it would create a secret jungle space in the centre. It worked reall well as the old veggy patch soil had obviously been very well fertilized. Until one year we had a bad frost and lost most the top line of plants. Then this weekend the three day high winds have ripped the poor things have been ripped to pieces. Never mind, The space works well in the summmer (English summer is there such a thing I hear you say? LOL yeah I wonder too sometimes!) so now I have decided I am going to build a bammboo fence with very long high posts every few metres apart so next time there is an potential frost/storm/avalanche/nuclear attack! I can drape some netting over the area to protect it. Living near the sea finding a shop that sells fishing netting is no problem so this is my paln for next year. You are totally right that there is no fruit on them at all but the different sizes and types of banana make for fantastic foliage. Anyhow before I can sort out the garden I have to get our sattelite TV working again. The storm has done something to this too! hey ho! Im not complaining we are all safe and well and that's the most important thing.

    Have a good day

  7. Happy Birthday Dom. They really do grow up so quickly.

  8. Doris: I'll forgive you as you didn't point out the spelling error in the title (Now corrected). Old age is creeping up on us I think.

    Helen: I'm amazed that you got as far as that with it. I suppose when eventually global warming means global WARMING, you'll be the first to have bananas from your garden!

    Thanks Cas.

  9. Happy Belated Birthday to Dom! May she enjoys great health and happiness.

  10. BK: Thank you for your kind wishes


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