Friday, November 13, 2009

Blogging, bloggers, blogs, blogrolls...

I’ve just spent a happy hour sorting out my list of blogs. I wasn’t happy with Blogrolling anymore, I didn’t like the advertisements; Now everyone is on the blogger list and will come to the top every time they up date their blogs. If you think that you’ve been missed please let me know.

I’ve added Helen and Lucy, so welcome to two newcomers! There was some sad news though. I’ve taken Leslie off and Titania still hasn’t come back, I know that she was having health problems, I hope that everything is okay there. Miimama –Demi, last posted when her husband was taken into hospital over a year ago, unfortunately he died in the spring.

All I have to do now is sort out the Blogrolls on my other blogs! I shan’t be doing that this evening.


  1. I guess I need to find whatever gadget that is that shows when others have updated their blogs. However to do that requires that one actually goes visit a blog or two to see who is around still, I think. But that will have to wait still.

    Meanwhile Anji, I take my hat off to you as a wonderful blogger. Thank you for being so supportive. :-)

  2. I think I should go and do also a cleaning up of my blog roll. Actually, it is good to "go over" one's blog from time to time and to cancel "useless" things. I did that a few weeks ago. There is still more to be reviewed.

  3. Hi Anji, I see my deliquent step-daughter has answered your comment on my, sorry, OUR blog! Cheeky bugger!

    Actually, keeping a large freezer full of food isn't really such a good idea. I did that two winters ago thinking that if the weather was bad I needn't go out shopping. Then we had a fault on the grid system (Gale damage; wires down!) and the electric was off for 4 days and everything thawed out because the weather was quite mild as well.

    So now I stock up with tinned and packeted dry food for the winter.

  4. Well because my blog is private, you'll know that it doesn't show up in blog readers etc :-( But you've always been brilliant and coming across and reading anyway!!

  5. I followed a certain blogger for years, and she was in poor health. She no longer has a blog, and doesn't answer any emails. Such a worry.

  6. And I have now found a way to do the blog reader thing .... and isn't it great. I think! I can see who has updated near to when it happens.

  7. Doris: I noticed earlier that you'd sorted it out It's a great gadget, however I've still got 3 blogs that won't fit in for some reason...

    Peter: It's amazing how quickly things change, people come and go.

    Josephine: Hopefully one day you'll be public again and more people can read your brilliant writing!

    Cas: sadly that's life.
    I'm having problems with yours but the Empress has gone on okay, something to sort out this afternoon.

  8. Anonymous5:54 pm

    Thank you for adding me to your blogroll Anji.



I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties