Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Time for a walk

As it was Rob’s day off yesterday we managed to get out for a few walks. We always come home on the road which runs along the side of the marsh. In recent years there have been marsh cattle and horses during the summer months, but not this year. They’ve let the marsh stay flooded and all sorts of new birds have made their nests. A week or so ago I saw a crane seeing off a magpie! I love the cranes, they get upset very easily and circle round with their long pink legs trailing behind them making a lot of noise, quite comical. The frogs have been very noisy, there must be thousands of them out there every evening calling to each other.

There is one bird which seems to have disappeared though. The road was used as a diversion earlier in the year because of road works, so some of the drivers raced round to make up for the two minutes they lost not going in a straight line. I saw at least two squashed moorhens which I think must have been the moorhen population. The moorhens were very good at dashing across the road like headless chickens (sorry, but it’s the only way I can think of to describe them). They used to be so proud of their chicks in past years.

We passed some scientists with binoculars , they were observing the birds and making notes. It was nice to see that they were enjoying the wildlife as much as we do

Last summer the farmer planted linseed. This year the wheat fields are lined by red poppies and blue linseed flowers. It really is a lovely site.

Still very few butterflies.


  1. Anonymous7:51 pm

    I did ask Liz about the butterflies...she said it was too early and too cold (it was cold then, but the temperature has shot up over the last couple of days, so we should see some fluttering soon.

    1000's of frogs! Liz is currently obsessed by two tiny frogs that have appeared in the pond...she spends hours on her hands and knees, looking out for them and getting very worried if she doesn't see them.

    Yes animals do work hard...and they don't get days off sick.


  2. Anonymous7:54 pm

    ...and red poppies and blue linseed flowers sound wonderful.


  3. Henry: Still not many butterflies here, despite the sunshine. We have to be careful not to tread on the frogs when we go for a walk if it's been raining. Nearly all of the poppies are finished now -they'll be back next year.


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