Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Blood sweat and pee

This morning was the morning I’d put by for my blood tests. I also had to provide 24 hours of pee; 3.5 litres, which is quite heavy to carry around in a bag, you know. As usual, after bood tests, Rob treated me to breakfast on the port. Since smoking has been banned in public spaces it’s very difficult to sit outside a café on a warm day without being kippered by all of the smokers. We sat inside.

I’m looking forward to seeing the results. If you read my post about eyebrows you’ll see that someone talked about thyroid problems in the comments. I have been very tired lately, but the worst part is feeling that life is one long set of chores stretching out before me. I had this feeling for a few years before I was diagnosed so I’m hoping to get that sorted.

Olivier and Dom tell me that the non-smoking rule emptied the night clubs at first. Not because people weren’t allowed to smoke. Apparently cigarette smoke does a lot towards masking the smell of sweaty bodies. The last I heard night clubs were going to introduce artificial cigarette smoke so solve the problem.


  1. Anonymous10:32 pm

    I hope you get good results from your tests.

    If summer is an easier season in your schedule, maybe that would help.

    When I lived in Scotland, the sweaty bodies problem was quite evident in the shops, especially in the winter time.

  2. They dont have deodorant over there? eeeewwwwww!!!!

    Hope your tests came out ok.

  3. I am going for tests tomorrow. And I am convinced that they will be good. As for me, I am feeling tired all the time. But there is two reasons. I am now coming closer to the category of old age. Physically, not mentally. And then I get up at 4.30 am every day. Because I am suffering from "senile bed escape". As for the smoking in public places, I have become a silent sufferer. But I have also changed my attidute. I am not obliging my family to participate passively in my smoking anymore. I am going to balcony.

  4. Cas: The results are pretty good, I must see the doctor now to officially confirm it. You lived in Scotland! What were you doing there? It's somewhere I've never been - I'd love to go there.

    Mary Lou: Don't remember how hot and sweaty you used to get when dancing the night away? we do have deodorant and 48 hour anti-perspirant and Axe!

    Peter: Good luck with the tests. I get up at 5.30. it is getting more and more difficult to find places to smoke. Our house has always been non-smoking.

    Dru: last time I went in November everyone said it was a lot, but they do tell you to drink at least 1.5 litres so I do that, plus my usual intake. I think we're stuck with the die hard smokers (pardon the pun). We have a nice windy cliff to put them all on too!

  5. 24 hours of pee?!

    Coo we are all doing blood tests at the same time. Good luck with yours.

  6. Doris: I think that a lot of us are having check ups at the moment, we're all ageing together I'm afraid.

  7. Anonymous7:45 pm

    Hi Angie ~ thanks for reading the Soulless Angel piece. As a smoker, I was very amused with the "kippered" reference.

    Your right ~ as age creeps on...so do the check-ups!


  8. Henry: Nice to see you have a moment to yourself. Where does the time go?


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