Sunday, May 04, 2008

Eyebrows and mystery birds

For the last twelve months or so my eyebrows have been thinning dramatically. I haven’t been near them with tweezers. Around Christmas Dom asked me why I’d plucked them so thin – that’s how bad they are. All I could find on Google was a link with thyroid problems. Well my thyroid hasn’t functioned for nearly 15 years now so they would have dropped out long ago. Has anyone any ideas why this should happen, what I can do to make them come back again?

The mystery birds have set up home in the roof just above the French widows so when I open the shutters first thing in the morning I get a real telling off. The bird that I see, the male I suppose, is about the size of a sparrow, reddish brown with dull orange undertail feathers which he flashes at me in warning. He then sits by the roses and ‘tuts’ at me until I go away. I tried the RSPB’s excellent bird identifier and found nothing. Perhaps he doesn’t visit the UK?


  1. Hello Anji,
    That was the first thing I thought when you mentioned your eyebrows were falling out. Do you taske medication for your thyroid? If so maybe you need to have it adjusted. Other then that I ahve no idea. I guess you should take it up with your doctor or an endocrinologist that deals with hormones.I hope you find out what is going on.

  2. Titania: I'm having a check up of everything at the end of May. perhaps my thyroid medication needs adjusting - it can be affected by the monopause. I hope that my eyelashes don't follow!

  3. Anonymous11:08 pm

    Good luck with the eyebrows.

    And I'd love to see a picture of the mystery birds if you're lucky enough to get one.


  4. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Strategic use of Rogaine?

  5. I can't help with the eyebrows, but I remember being struck (as it were) by the birds in the early morning at St Malo, where I spent a summer season working. They made a very striking and strident noise in the before-dawn as I prepared for work; that song, and the Satie I played as I prepared my packed lunch, are abiding memories. And they were rock pipits.

    At least I'm pretty sure that was what they were.

    Any help?

  6. Hops: Thank you for the advice; I had to look Rogaine up to see what it was. I wonder.....

    Dru: thanks for your visit. I liked your blog and especially loved your drawings. No, mine aren't Rock Pipits. I think I'm a little too far south. It's funny how the 'little memories' mean so much - atmosphere.

  7. Cas: I think they've gone! By the way Demi's husband (I think that's who she means)is very ill. I know that you used to visit her blog so I thought you'd like to know.


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