Thursday, January 17, 2008

My 'busy' family

As I was writing the last post I had a text message from Dom. She’s passed the “written” part of her driving test. Next week she starts real driving in a car lessons. Well done Dom! She’s also taking exams at the moment.

Olivier had his first mock exam this week. He’s still alive and in a reasonable humour. It was a French exam and he chose to write a fable (!).

My mum had a fall and broke her wrist, she also knocked a tooth out and loosened two others. Fortunately a neighbour saw her fall and took her to see the Doctor and later ER.


  1. Well done Dom! I'm trying to get my daughters to attempt theirs too - Coralie failed the first time.

    Good luck to Olivier and I'm sorry to hear about your mum - thank goodness a helpful neighbour was able to help her. I hope her wrist heals quickly.

  2. Anonymous10:23 pm


  3. Hope you won't have such a busy weekend! ;))

  4. Zoe: The last time I drove Dom to the station she was telling me what I should have been doing (I learnt to drive in the UK) Mum should be out of the plaster mid February - if she behaves herself.

    Anon: Thanks for taking the time to comment...

    gmg: From next week the exam front should be quiet for a couple of months at least.

  5. Anonymous11:01 pm

    I hope your Mom is ok. A broken wrist and tooth missing is no easy thing to deal with.

    Congratulations to Dom. And I'm glad that Olivier survived the mock exam.

    I'm filling out forms to have help updating my resume, and am just hating it. I have to keep saying how great I am and at what. All I want is an updated resume, and don't even plan to use it. It's a "just in case"
    My regards to your mum. I hope she recovers quickly.

  6. Cas: She told me that there was quite a lot of blood from her mouth, it must have been pretty impressive.

    That's the problem with resumes (we call them CVs), you really have to think what your good points are. Ask around your family and friends, I bet they will all come up with something good!


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties