Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I told you so

Remember I wrote about cell phones recently? Remember I wrote that I thought Rob would find an excuse to have a new phone soon? Well – :

He phoned me from work on Friday morning because he’d ‘dropped’ his charger (he told me it fell off the desk) and broken it. He wanted me to phone the two Orange shops in La Rochelle to see if they had one in stock, the idea being that I could go into town on Saturday to buy it. I phoned the first shop which is a normal one, you go to a counter and a nice man serves you. No charger. The other new fangled shop where you go in and someone jumps at you with a clip board and then you wait like a lemon for two hours till they get to your turn had a communal number so it was no use phoning to ask if they had something in stock. I suggested to Rob that he try ebay. He quickly found his charger, really cheap. We collected it from our PO box on Saturday morning (We could have collected it at 9). If I’d have gone into town to that shop I wouldn’t have been home much before midday.

Nice try Rob.


  1. My wife has her cell phone since 4 years, my daughter since 4 years also and my son since 3. I have mine since 6 month. And I "need" a new one. If I buy a new one (I already bought 3 in the last two years) my wife would be extremely angry. So, I have to wait at least 12 month before I can buy a new cell phone. I am a gadget freak. But then it is not really my fault. Why does Nokia have to bring out a new phone model every two weeks?

  2. Peter: Nokia brings out a new phone every two weeks - just for you! My very old phone stopped working after 7 years of use. It was huge compared to the phone I am using now.


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