Thursday, May 10, 2007

Nothing to wear
As he didn’t have any lessons between 11 and 2.30 Olivier came home for lunch. All he did the whole time was moan about how he hasn’t got any decent clothes (he was wearing his levis). He’s fed up with being poor and sometimes he’s ashamed to go out, on and on and on….

If any one has space for providing a refuge for me, about two years should do it, while he grows up, I would be grateful.


  1. Hi Anji

    I can assume Oliver is your Son. We all feel sometimes like this, but I think as one gets older one doesn't worry as much about their appearance.

    Just stopping by to let you know I've added your Blog to my links so others will find you.

    A wonderful weekend is wished for you.

  2. I have a spare room I would be more than happy to let you use for 2 years!

  3. Ahhh, teen angst. He will outgrow it as did the rest of us. Sigh....... they grow up too fast Anji. Cherish these years even if you do want to give him a kick in the rear now and then. :o)

  4. Anonymous11:07 pm

    2 years on Whidbey Island would be an experience for him. He could come here and work as a volunteer with the Penquins or elephants or at the game reserve in the Eastern Cape? They get enough time off for sightseeing. Unfortunately he won't earn any money to buy clothes.

  5. Let me guess. Somewhere between 13 and 16? They do know how to push buttons, don't they? And then there's the whole thing about the hormones that takes control of their mind and body. Try red wine.


  6. The Old Fart: Yes, he is my son, the baby of the family, I love him dearly, but he drives me nuts; thank you for the link.

    Mary lou: I'll just get my toothbrush and i'll be with you...

    Judith: I've been looking for that angelic, blonde curly headed boy that used to live here but I seem to have lost him. 'sigh'

    Michell: Would they let him out of the game reserve? It sounds like the experience of a lifetime, perhaps I should volunteer?

    Ruth d: 16, You guessed in one. I'm menopausal, I'm the one who's supposed to be flipping because of hormones - I don't get the time!


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