Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Culture and history
As our post office is closed for refurbishment I have to go to the next village to collect our post (we have a box) at the moment and post any postcards we’ve sold. I always park the car across the village and walk through the lovely park. The horse Chestnuts are in flower at the moment and it smelt wonderful this morning as the grass was being cut. In the newspaper this morning was an article about an exhibition of painting by a local artist, so as the town hall is by the park, I went to have a look. There were only two paintings which I liked and the rest were a little bit messy for my taste. That’s my dose of culture for the day.

I discovered why the poster I wrote about fetched so much. The lady in the poster is Sarah Bernhardt but the advertisers hadn’t asked her permission. She was really cross about it and took them to court so the posters were taken down and probably a lot of them destroyed. Now you know why it was so expensive.

Absinthe was banned and I have tasted it. It’s reputed to rot the brain. That could explain a lot…


  1. What is the flavor of Absinthe?

  2. I don't remember as it was ten years ago. i think it must have been okay though.

  3. Anonymous11:09 pm

    I am setting you a challenge. At least once a week, you have to post something which contains photographs of the area where you live. If you talk about a park and walking through it - your challenge will be to photograph it.

    Are you up for the challenge?

  4. Michell: I'll try, but I can't promise anything; We had a very wet and windy weekend. all of the blossom has gone...


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