Sunday, May 20, 2007

Non waving ovens, kittens and blog birthday
I missed my 4th blog birthday. Perhaps it’s a good thing, it means that I have a real life to get on with too. I’ve written 1366 posts on this blog since I started it and 36,088 visitors have passed this way. I’ve made lots of friends from all over the world and learnt a little bit about a lot of things. Thank you.

My Micro wave oven has stopped waving. It’s quite a shock, I can tell you, when you think you’re going to have hot cooked pasta and you finish with a bowl of cold water with bits of still dry pasta lying in the bottom.

I’m not really an ’Aaaah pictures of kittens’ person but you must go and visit Mary Lou and see her little bundle of fluff. Makes me feel broody – that can’t be right…


  1. happy blogday! i missed mine too, earlier this year - perhaps we are less obsessed now ?

    my ex left with our microwave which didn't bother me much but it was good to get a second hand one two years later. do you use yours much ?

  2. Zoe: the time seems to pass so quickly now, it can't be another year? I had been using it a lot. Now we are down to three it was a little bit big. Hope no one realises that Dom's microwave will be free for the summer...

  3. Anonymous8:03 pm

    Happy blogaversary!! Mine is coming up the end of this month. Hard to believe how long it's been since the first post.

    That kitten is really adorable.


  4. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Four years is a long time - hope you stay around for a lot longer.

    BTW - have you changed your time on your blog coz I think you should be an hour behind me and you are showing 2 hours behind?

  5. Happy blog birthday! Keep up the blogging :o)

  6. Anonymous3:05 am

    happy birthday! i don't keep track of mine. i don't know when i started or anything. is that a bad thing? perhaps i should pay more attention. hopefully you'll be around for another 40 or so.

  7. Yikes I totally spaced mine too!! It was back in February! There is nothing like a new fuzzy baby with ten sharp claws to keep you hopping!!

  8. Cas: A lot of my blog friends seem to have started at around the same time. must be a good vintage!

    Michelle: I hadn't noticed the time, do you mean the clock?

    risa: thank you. hope you're back to blogging soon too!

    Kimberley: Do you realise how old I'll be in 40 years time?

    Mary lou: never a dull moment...

  9. Happy Blogbirthday - 4 years old today, does that mean you are going to stop peeing on the carpet?

  10. Spooky: I doubt it


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