Sunday, May 27, 2007

Another week etc...

Another week passes by and we’re almost at the end of May. Looking at the weather over the past couple of days you wouldn’t think so, high winds and storms. I was supervising exams every morning last week which meant that I wasn’t getting home until early afternoon and then I was out giving lessons, not to mention the postcards. Rob and I are probably going to an auction in another town at the beginning of June. We’ll make a whole day of it which will be nice as we haven’t really been anywhere for a long time.

On Wednesday we have to collect Dom from Poitiers, she had 16 in her exams but I’m not sure what it’s supposed to mean. I’ve emailed her so if she replies before I post this I can give out the information.

Olivier had a bottle of Actimel in his room, shook it up, took the lid off, put it down, forgot he had already opened it and shook it again; it went everywhere! His room smelt of pineapple yoghurt for a while.

A car company in Columbus Ohio wants to sell me a Cadillac – I should be so lucky.


  1. Anonymous3:56 pm

    It's hard to believe that it's nearly the end of May. Sometimes a day drags, but the weeks fly by.

  2. gah - todd is obviously following olivier's shoes. that's the sort of thing that he would do!

  3. Cas: I just don't understand where it goes.

    Zoe: i think they take their brains out at night and forget to put them back in again.


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