Saturday, January 27, 2007

I can now buy "American style" pancake mix which Olivier adores. How can I make them round like on the packet?


  1. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Are those what we would usually call flapjacks?

  2. You can buy one of these. They'll make your egg(or pancake) round :o)

  3. why can't you get them round? use a laddle, and then use the back of the laddle to form them round. Easy!! But we make them in all shapes. Mickey Mouse, Happy Faces, Snow men etc.

  4. Michelle; As a child I would have called them flapjacks too. Now I'm grown up 'flapjacks' are made with oats, butter and maple syrup.... I'll take both!

    Risa; You Norwegians have all the best gadgets.

    Mary Lou. I'll try that. I'm struggling enough with 'round'. I think the rest of the shapes (snowmen!)will have to wait awhile.

  5. Anonymous11:58 am

    Are those pancakes similar to our "Breton Gallettes"? With those I just pour the batter onto a flat pan and then spread it with a "T" shaped spreader a la "Flunch". Works every time!

  6. There is one very simple trick: you just buy yourself a new fryingpan which has a base the same size as you want your pancakes. Very easy, all pancakes gather the exact same size. Works every time :-)

  7. Willow; I'll see if I can find a mini frying pan for sale!


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