Sunday, May 07, 2017

Aqua Manda!

I remember the spicy orange smell of the bath oil when I was in my early teens. It was our greatest wish for birthday and Christmas presents.

Just thinking of the name, Aqua Manda, transports me back to those years when my biggest problems were how to kiss and how to get a boyfriend to kiss. Discos and school and for some reason it’s always winter term in my memories. Perhaps I’d used up the Christmas supply by the spring?

I looked the perfume up a few years ago and found gift sets on eBay which had been carefully put by from the 60s and 70s. The sellers couldn’t guarantee the state of the product if opened.

 I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while and guess what? Aqua Manda and Aqua Citra are back on the market, reintroduced in 2013!! I was looking for pictures and information and was very pleasantly surprised. I remember having some Aqua Citra, but I don’t remember the smell at all. I wonder how it would smell on me today, almost 50 years later.

I wanted to put a picture here, but don’t want to break the copy write rules so here is a link to the website.

Later, when I started work, I bought myself a bottle of Meadowsong perfume which smelled of freshly mown grass. I didn’t use it for long as I had a boyfriend (yes; I had found one by then) who suffered from hay fever and the smell was too much for him.

If this post has sent you on a trip down memory lane please leave a comment.  I'd love to read what you have to say.


  1. When I was a teenager I was given a bottle of perfume called Essence, from some anonymous market stall. I obviously wasn't worth much but I thought it quite nice until someone pointed out that it was French for petrol!

  2. Angie: Sometimes it's best not to know how things translate out....

  3. I don't use perfume, but I do use aftershave. My favourites are "Essence of Gorillas Armpit" and "Turkish Wrestlers Jock Strap". Well, it keeps the women away, but does tend to attract the Bobo flies!

    Publish that, if you dare. Ha!

  4. Keith: Ha! Now you've infested my beautifully perfumed blog with your nasty smells.

  5. Sorry about that. It was just a drunken joke on my part and the two bottles of Bordeaux wine I had just consumed!

  6. Keith: two bottles? You know what we say in French: "If you're thirsty, drink water."!!

  7. Nobody drinks the tap water in this area unless it's been filtered and boiled first; even then it tastes 'orrible! I buy bottled water for drinking and bread making.

  8. Our tap water tastes horrible too. I prefer fizzy bottled water.


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