Saturday, March 11, 2017

Violets and a special cat

Yet another month goes by without me posting anything here. It seems to have been an ongoing theme here for a while.

Olivier is still in Prague – I think that all is well with him. He’s sent me pictures of impressive views, An Ice Hockey match and a ski slope. Oh yes; and he visited the British Embassy. He’s a real networker, I have a picture of him with the ex minister of education from a couple of years ago.

This week we’ve had some real spring sunshine. I spent around 45 minutes in the garden this afternoon, weeding. Everything is growing at a fast rate now, the birds are singing, it is lovely. We go for a walk when Rob arrives home in the evening and it is still light when we get back!

These violets appeared in February and now the lawn is sprinkled with them too. 

This ball of fluff is the cat that lives at a local café. He/she appeared there a year or so ago, thin and bedraggled and in need of a good home. Guess who always bags the best seat in the warm sunshine!


  1. I too have been lacking in posts lately.

    Love the ball of kitty fluff. They sure so like their naps! We are starting to get a bit of green as well but the temps have been so high lately that it doesn't really look like Spring.

  2. Stefani: One of my faithful commenters and readers! we're back to rain again here, the ground is too wet to do much in the garden.

  3. We have been experiencing an early heat wave with temperatures in the upper 90's. It's been miserable. But, tomorrow due to a Pacific storm we are supposed to only get into the mid-60's. I am keeping my fingers crossed for rain.

  4. Stefani: I've got plenty of rain here I can send over to you!


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