Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 seems to be seeping in too

Christmas and New Year sort of slipped by a little too quickly – they get faster every year. Happy New Year to anyone who reads this; I hope that 2017 is a good one for you.

We had a quiet Christmas: Olivier came home for a few days and then went off to spend New Year with friends.

The good news is that Olivier will be starting a new job in February – in Prague! As his mum I am a little sad that he is moving so far away, though I’m really looking forward to going to visit him in his new country! All of this has brought back lots of memories of when Rob and I gave up our banking jobs and moved to France, 32 years ago.

We had sad news at the beginning of the year; Rob’s mother died at the age of 94. She had been more or less asleep since mid December, so it didn’t come as a shock, it’s still upsetting just the same.

I only wrote 21 new posts for this blog last year. Hopefully I’ll do better this year. The best year was 2005 with 336 posts – almost 1 a day!


  1. 94 is a good age, now perhaps you shall get some of your life back and do more things to post about. It seems to be fairly normal for children to spread themselves round the world, look on it as travel opportunities.

    Our year is off to a slow start waiting for non serious medical repairs before we can plan anything. The snow has melted and days lengthen so it may be a happy new year, hope it is for you both too.

  2. Coline: I'm definately looking forward to exploring Prague. We've been watching out for the days lengthening here too. Our evening walk is more pleasant in daylight

  3. Sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law.

    It's hard to believe that January is already halfway over. The days really do go by so quickly.

  4. Stefani: Indeed they do - I only just got used to writing 2016....

  5. I have always prided myself on writing the correct year when a new one would start. Not so much this year. I am writing 2016 on everything!

  6. Stefani: I've managed to avoid writing 2017 - so far!


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