Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It's caught up with me at last

I’ve recently had to take another blood test as my blood sugar has been creeping up again. As from this morning I’m on a very low dose of Gliclazide at breakfast time. I have to take another test and see the Doctor again in three months.

Anyone who has been reading this blog over the past ten years will know that I spent 5 years from 2005 to 2010 testing my blood sugar several times a day. I managed to control things by eating sensibly. Then my Doctor retired and I had a period of 5 years with Doctors who didn’t believe in “pre diabetics”. I appreciate that I have managed to stall taking medication for this for 10 years. At least I don’t have to use insulin.

 My present Doctor’s advice is to avoid sweet things (which I’ve always done) and take more exercise. I know that I have to lose weight too. I’m off now to put on some music and do a bit of ‘keep fit’.


  1. Oh Anji, no more baguettes or croissants! French bread gets into your system at about the same rate as sugars!

    My Doc has noted slightly elevated blood sugar so I am going to try and get weight down again. This link was sent to me yesterday and might be worth a try. Doctors only work in "practices" and rarely seem to know enough and certainly do not seem to keep up once they have their piece of paper on the wall which authorises them to charge you a fortune.

    I shall let you know how I get on, may pass your way in first half of June and drop in for another chat in a cafe...

  2. Coline: I know all about the baguette - a lot of ink flows on French forums about the baguette! Thank you very much for the link. For the moment I'm just trying to have smaller portions, but I might try the diet later. Good luck with it anyway. I'm looking forward to meeting up with a slim you in June if you manage to pass this way!

  3. Having to take daily medicine is no fun. Sorry to hear about that.

    I am a very sedentary person, sitting at a desk all day doesn't help either. I recently purchased a FitBit (step tracker). I have found that just having that little counter in my pocket has really helped me realize just how much I was not moving during the day. I aim to change that.

  4. Stefani: unfortunately I now take 5 different pills every morning! The FitBit sounds like a really good idea. I'm doing more keep fit - increasing very gradually and we usually walk for at least 20 minutes every evening.

  5. I'm now a diabetic myself, and it is HARD for me to kick the sugars, how did you do that?

    I have the Samsung GearS2 watch, which does similar to the fitbit, plus a BUNCH more, and it does remind me to get up form my studies and get some exercise in, which helps some, but them dang sugars and breads.......

  6. Don: I don't eat much sugar at all. I'd rather eat a piece of cheese - I have to watch my cholesterol too! I've been setting an alarm on my phone for exercise - when I remember to set the alarm...


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