Monday, May 04, 2015

In competition with myself

I decided that this year I would try to blog more than last year. The results so far are:

January; 1 less post than last year, February; 1 more post than last year, March; 5 more posts that last year! April; 2 more posts. May last year only had one post (where I met Holly the cat), so I’m already equal. On the whole I’m winning, but as they used to write on the school reports “Could do better.

Facebook is very good at mopping up spare time, so I’m pleased that I haven’t lost blogging altogether.


  1. I am sure that many people have found ways to use fb without being irritated. One thing is for sure and that is that type of site has dumbed down interaction and sucked life out of more thoughtful blogging...

  2. Coline: FB is very different to blogging. I've recontacted some old friends that were lost to me otherwise. So it has served a purpose for me.

  3. rbis like a Swiss Army knife of a tool, you can choose which implement to use and how to use it, just takes more care than most seem to give it to not get swallowed up.

    Many ex bloggers kept asking me to join and their posts were just "blog posts ultra lite". I eventually signed up many years ago and found the one person I ever wanted to reconnect with but only to post them something they had left with me decades before!

    I tried to keep my presence simple but found that i was not getting posts from my few "friends" but getting loads of rubbish to wade through. People would ask to be friends but would not interact, guess they were just collecting names. Every App I was asked to join in using I read the "terms and conditions of use" and EVERY one was a scam asking for unnecessary permissions as a way to search through all my information and often that of anyone connected to me.

    I call them "antisocial media sites" and have deleted my account nearly four years ago to find utter peace... I am glad that you have a happier experience.

  4. Coline: Yes there is quite a bit of rubbish and someone I knew from way back kept on posting soppy pictures of kittens (I like cats but...). I'll be watching out for the scams, thanks for the warning.

  5. Hi Anji,

    I promise myself this too; I hope you have more luck than I do.




  6. I am not a big fan of FB, and never have been. I was one of the "later comers" to it, and have since pretty much left it. I have not deleted my account, but just don't go to it anymore. (Good for notifying those that do read my wall that I have posted on one of my two blogs, although that doesn't always work either....)

    I think that FB is one of the worse things to come to the Net for helping people actually be people of any value....

    Only good thing about it is finding people from the past....

    Blogging is so much better....

  7. PC: Thanks, so far so good. Good luck with yours

  8. Brother Don: I agree that blogging is better. I'm promoting my postcard business on FB and it has been useful for finding old friends. I think that the novelty will wear off pretty quickly.


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