Friday, November 21, 2014

Postcards, Beaujolias Nouveau and Hyacinths

I was going to update sooner but life seems to keep on getting in the way.

 The day after Dom’s big day, the alarm went off at 3.30 am as we had the 6 o’clock train to Bordeaux to catch. I wasn’t as tired as I thought I’d be and we managed to dodge any showers thrown our way. We hadn’t been back to Bordeaux for over a year. Auction time, and there were some postcards that we were interested in. We had an excellent day, despite discovering that our favourite restaurant had closed. The station at Bordeaux seems to have had a facelift too. A new bar has opened and some very interesting shops to explore, which was a good thing as we had to wait nearly two hours for our train home.

 Olivier came home for a few days mid-month. We didn’t really see that much of him. It’s so good to know that he’s enjoying what he’s doing now and seems to be appreciated by his co workers. He might be able to move to a bank closer to Rennes next year, which could save him a lot of money in rent and transport costs. Though I won’t be able to say; “my son who lives in a chateau” anymore.

I sorted out the Christmas decorations. They are ready for the beginning of December. I even found the Advent calenders!

We had a lot of rain at the beginning of November – very serious flooding in the south, but we were okay here – just a soggy garden. The last three days have been mild and sunny; I’m waiting for the bubble to burst. This afternoon I did some gardening and planted some hyacinth bulbs.

The Beaujolais Nouveau this year is very good


  1. I remember when there was an annual race to get the first bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau back to Britain now it is hardly ever even mentioned to exist...

    Perhaps it is all drunk by you lucky folk in France.

  2. Coline: I understand that the good people of Beaujeu start drinking just after midnight. Might explain why it's not getting as far as the UK. I'll think of you next time I drink some.

  3. I scoured the wine shops and supermarkets for some Beaujolais Nouveau, but couldn't find any. It's as rare as Pastis in Britland!

  4. Keith: It was around but not a prominent as in the past here.


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