Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Renewed resolutions

A year ago I wrote:

“I wonder how many people like me have decided to lose some weight this year. Millions, judging by all of the advice that is cluttering up my email box. I’ve read a few (100 or so) ideas and surprise, surprise, I already carry out a lot of them. I drink water, don’t take sugar in tea or coffee, eat breakfast, eat plenty of fibre, don’t snack between meals, dessert at lunch time is always fruit and so on. I know what my problem is – portion size. That’s another resolution for the list, reduce portion size. 

 One useful tip I did pick up: Just aim for a 5% weight loss and then take it from there. A lot of health websites tell you to aim for 10 %. 5% seems more obtainable to me. 

 I’ve also decided to exercise for at least 10 minutes 3 times a week (as well as the normal walking I do). I accidently discovered something to help. Just now, I thought I’d start off with 5 minutes to music. I put on Boz Scaggs; an old friend of mine for exercising to. 6 minutes passed without any effort at all! I hadn’t realized how important a good tune was to get me moving. 

 I’m also aiming for more blogging. I’ve been rather slack over the past year. I’m also going to try to make my posts more interesting. While I’m at the keyboard I need to write more fiction and poetry. Hopefully I should have slimmer fingers at least from all of the typing.” 

Well – how did you get on Anji? 

Weight: I’m the same weight as I was at the beginning of last year

 Exercise: flew out of the window that one did. I’ve started again and Rob and I have decided to find the time walk more…

Blogging: Unfortunately there were even fewer posts on this blog last year. 2004 was my most prolific year.

The nice thing about resolutions for the New Year is that you can start afresh every 12 months – how’s that for optimism?


  1. Must be the reduction in blog posts though I have never heard that blogging more can help...

    I had managed 28 lbs reduction but two months off my feet much of the time then all the hospitality over christmas have me 6-7 lbs heavier but we are back on track again and getting fitness back again.

    let's see how we can do this year...

  2. Yaay for being optimistic Anji :-D

  3. Caroline: we keep meaning to get back onto the 2/5 diet. Perhaps when it's time to stop hiding inside the woollies.

  4. Doris: I try, I try...


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