Sunday, January 05, 2014

2014 Tiptoes in...

Gosh, it’s over a month since I’ve written anything here. As I said in my last post, I’ve been really busy. M-I-L was let out of hospital after about a week. She enjoyed her Christmas and New Year. It gave her a change from her usual routine.

We had a very quiet Christmas and New Year. Olivier was the only one with us this year. We drove him to his new apartment on New Year’s Day as he was starting work on 2nd January. His apartment is amazing. In an old building which has recently been renovated. He has a fantastic kitchen area and a washing machine to die for! It’s so much nicer than the gloomy place he had in Bordeaux. He lives about two and a half hours drive from here. Our journey back was awful, lots of rain and wind and it was dark. Fortunately there wasn’t much else on the road and no trucks as it was a holiday. We stopped at a McDonald’s for something to eat and had the place to ourselves, the roads were so quiet. Unfortunately the music was turned up rather loud which spoilt the effect.

Olivier now knows how to tie a tie.

Dom is now in Glasgow for a month – at this time of year! She arrived yesterday and e-mailed to say that it was wet and windy (surprise, surprise!) and that her room is cosy. I had a look at the part of the University where she will be working using Google Earth. It looks very impressive.

Thank you to everyone who continued to visit despite not having anything to read. I couldn’t even face looking at my blog list at one point so I trimmed it down from 100 to 85 blogs. I will try to make an effort to start visiting again.

Now I’ll wish you all Happy New Year à la française, as here we have until the end of January to wish everyone Happy New Year.

 Happy New Year!


  1. What a shame, Dom is in Glasgow at the most miserable time of year. At least not much distraction from work...

    All blogs on my reading list have slowed to a crawl...

    Happy New year.

  2. Is Dom finding the hours of daylight noticeably shorter in Glasgow?

    Happy new year!

  3. Lovely to get an update from you Anji. Good to know the tie tying ability has been gained! I had a school tie at about the age of 8 so I had to learn back then.

    I think it is a case of just visiting blogs when one has the time and inclination, something to be enjoyed when one can rather than being endured.

    Happy new year to you and yours.

  4. Caroline: I tried to warn her. Happy new Year!

    Dru: The first thing she mentioned in her email was that the street lighting was on already!
    Happy New Year!

    Doris: I could tie a tie by the age of 11. No school uniforms in France. Lots of techniques on youTube apparently.

    I've missed my blog visiting time.


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties