Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Houses and stories

Today I updated all of my blogs! Some of them have been really neglected of late.

The main events of the last few weeks are having to continue antibiotics for a few more weeks. Fortunately, I only need one dose of orange flavoured power in water once a week. (and)  More pleasantly, we helped Dom and J-M move into their new house. It’s rather cutting edge, built to be ecologically kind and has solar panels and super dooper insulation. It was built this year. They have their own bathroom off the master bedroom. They were looking to rent an older house (including an old mill, but the ceilings were too low). Just goes to show, you never know what might turn up. J-M’s mother, brother and a friend as well as Olivier were helping too and Dom and J-M took us to a very good restaurant in Poitiers for lunch as a thank you.

All of a sudden it is autumn. The weather has changed, the leaves are falling and it’s becoming much darker in the mornings and evenings. I don’t know why this year a feel quite sad that the year is drawing to a close. We’ve had a good year and managed to fit in three visits to the UK.

If you’re interested; I updated my official writing blog with the next chapter of a longer story and I’ve started a new short story on my ‘culture’ blog. Inspiration is not flowing from me - I wrote both of the stories 3 or 4 years ago.


  1. You have been missed...

    Insulation and a waterproof roof are but a distant dream...

  2. Hallo Anji! We must be on the same wave-length - I'm updating too after a bit of an absence, or at least I will be after writing this.

    The new house sounds interesting, like one of those ones sees on those eco house building programmes.

    It has indeed been a funny old year but it sounds like you have had a good one that you don't want to have it come to an end.

    Take care my dear and happy writing :-)

  3. BTW I hope you are soon tip top and off those antibiotics. I find taking a good probiotic but not that useless stuff in yoghurts but one from the heath food store. x

  4. I hope you are backing your story blogs up to a Cloud, or at the very least an external hard drive.

    Years ago I backed up to my external hard drive and also a USB stick. Then we had a massive storm and the lightning struck next doors roof. The back EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) must have been massive. It wiped out my computer, my hard drive and the TV/radio! Everything gone!

    Now I back up to my iCloud. The files are stored on about a hundred different servers around the globe, so that would take some wiping out!

  5. Thank you Caroline. High winds today so I'm keeping an eye on the roof and anything else that might move.

    Doris: That's exactly it, right off the TV. I'll be interested to see when they compare last winter and this winter's heating bills.

    Still on the antibiotics, fortunately it's a once a week dose. Had an ultra sound scan and everything inside is normal. Doctor again in 10 days.

    Keith: I have everything on a USB stick (now where did I put it?)I'll look at the cloud idea. We lost an internal modem during a thunderstorm, we'd only had our first computer for a couple of weeks. A couple of neighbours lost everything in the same storm.


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