Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Back from the UK

We had another week in the UK. It was a little strange at first as we didn’t get to stay with Christian and J because they were in Florida for a couple of weeks.

Mainly the visit was to see M-I-L again. She told us that she’d gone downhill since our last visit, but you wouldn’t have noticed. Despite a couple of days of wind and rain we managed to take her for a couple of walks (or wheels?) in her wheelchair in the sunshine and a cup of coffee in the Colwall Coffee Lounge. We managed several cups of coffee there and scones and lemon drizzle cake. If you’re in and around Colwall, near Malvern, it is well worth a visit. We also took her for a couple of drives around. The country side is beautiful on the verge of autumn.

We saw my sister and my mum too and met up with some friends – more coffee and cakes wherever we went!

We decided that we do not like motorway service stations. They don’t seem to have any real food outside of burgers, chips and fry ups. The escalator down was broken in one we visited and I hurt my knee as the steps are very deep (not noticeable when it’s working). There didn’t appear to be another way down. I would have used the disabled toilets on the ground floor if I had known.

There is nothing like Boots in France


  1. British service stations are purgatory! It is always hell until we cross to France where life is more civilised.

    I only wear sandals in France so have no need of Boots... LOL!

  2. I don't use the Motorway Cafes here. I wouldn't give their food to my dog (if I had one!).

    When I drive down to the south of France I try to time my journey so that I'm in the vicinity of a Relais Routiers at midday.

    The food is fabulous, such a variety for lunch, and the people in there are so friendly. A pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.

  3. Caroline: Even French service stations seem better - despite the sandwiches made with brioche.

    Keith: They can be good, some are better than others. I agree with the friendly service and you don't feel as if you should be bolting your food.

  4. I gave up on UK service stations some years ago after being immensely ripped off something near a tenner for just a pathetic cup of tea and a simple bready item - not even a sandwich. Much prefer to take a detour a short distance from the motorway to find a local place if necessary. Thank heavens for satnavs!

  5. Doris: We learnt very quickly where not to go to buy coffee. I think the detour is how we will eat, drink and pee next time.


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