Thursday, April 04, 2013


This post also appears on my Affiliate blog:

In the last couple of days when we’ve been rolling over our announcements on eBay and also creating new announcements we’ve been getting the message (more or less this as it is in French):
Javascript Unescape/FromCharCode …and HTML refresh are refused

 It took 40 minutes to roll over 25 postcards this morning. I’ve checked that we’re not knowingly using forbidden scripts and any links we have are inside our personal part of our announcements. They only lead to other parts of our store anyway.

My theory:

 This seems to be happening randomly and I wondered if it was something to do with the ads that eBay places onto our announcements. I understand that JavaScript is to do with movement. Could this be happening when an ad that moves or refreshes comes up on our page?

 We have written to eBay – two days ago. No reply as I write this. Could this mean they are having problems too?

Have you ever had this problem? Any ideas as to how to solve this?


  1. Hi Anji. I have viewed both sites and they are working fine from this end.

    Screen messages like that are the sort of thing which used to drive me crazy, if they can put up that surely the computers are smart enough to t least give you a clue as how to fix it!

    I have read about problems with java.

    Bottom of page suggests something suspicious might be going on...

  2. Caroline: Thank you for checking and for the useful crumbs of information. We're not the only ones here having the same messages. ebay have gone silent for the moment...

    It seems that these codes can be used for malware. I can't see that we've got anything resembling them anywhere in our pages

  3. It seems that there are always a few humans out there who who foul up the world for the rest of us...

    Good luck.

  4. Caroline: Thank you for your support. It was their problem not ours, I'm happy to say.

    Unfortunately it serves to remind us that we shouldn't be putting all of our eggs (postcards) into one basket...


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties