Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Do not feed the horse

This is a picture of Groseille (Currant) the local star in our village.  She's very friendly indeed if she thinks that you've got something for her to eat.  We used to take her an apple every time we walked by.  Someone told us that the apple should be cut up, so we cut it into four pieces.  She can count and would wait for the forth piece before continuing with the grass.

Unfortunately, everyone was feeding her tit-bits, including stale bread.  See how muddy her back looks in this picture.  One day as we were preparing to feed her an apple her owner, the mayor, came over to us and explained that she had been rolling on the ground in agony with colic.  So he's asked everyone not to feed her.  She's written a very nice notice explaining how too much food makes her ill.

Unfortunately she doesn't come over to say hello anymore, just snuffles a greeting and continues grazing.


  1. Oh, poor Groseille: too lovely to be resisted and ends up with colic. Maybe she'll soon learn that a stroke of the nose is just as good as a piece of apple...

  2. I didn't know horses ate bread. It looks like it has a lot of grass to eat. Where I live there is no grass growing for the horses. When I did give them an apple, the loved it.

  3. when Ketie was small we used to go and see Wensy the elephant at the zoo. If it was quiet, Wnedy would extend her trunk and sniff us; Katie was fascinated and slightly terrifed, up on my shoulders.

    One day I got over-familiar, stretching out my hand to stroke the trunk. She withdrew it and blew snot at me.

  4. I was expecting a beef burger related post! ;-)

  5. Anonymous12:40 am

    Can you blame her for not coming over to say hello any more? She thinks you have betrayed her. Shame on you!

  6. Kath: She snuffles a welcome. the fence makes it difficult to reach her nose. When we saw her yesterday she just continued eating grass.

    Connie: I don't think horses should eat bread at all. From what we were told I got the impression that people were dumping their old bread on her - sometimes quite large quantities.

    Dru: I will be wary of elephants in the future. I once patted a hippo at the zoo.

    Doris: I nearly mixed the two, but it wouldn't have been fair to talk of such things in front of Groseille.

    Keith: We don't want her to suffer because of us. the Mayor was very apologetic but especially asked that we don't feed her any more. She's lost a bit of weight too!

  7. Oh how sad.
    We had a wonderful horse James, die at Langley 204 because his gut turned inside. The owner Teresa was excellent with horses and she tried to uncurl it but it didn't work.So sad Every one cried.

  8. A Lady's life: I remember that horses have to be careful (or rather we have to be careful for them). I'm sorry to hear about James, hopefully everyone will co operate and Groseille will stay healthy. Yesterday she looked les bloated than she had been.


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