Monday, January 14, 2013

More cookery?

Incredibly I dreamt about cooking last night. I was in a long narrow kitchen, there were plenty of cupboards ovens and electric and gas burners but no work surfaces. It made life very difficult – nowhere to put down hot saucepans and dishes, let alone prepare the food. I’ve not long started reading 'Last Night in Twisted River' by John Irving – hence the busy kitchen. I already knew that the loggers ate well, but the descriptions of the huge quantities of food that they eat and the conditions of preparation obviously went to my head. It’s a great read, but not if you’re on a diet.


  1. Caroline: Yes, me too and you?

  2. Anonymous10:05 am

    You dream about cooking, you must have been hungry.

  3. Connie: Perhaps I was...

  4. And welcome to my world :) I dream about cooking all the time and sometimes I even get up in the middle of the night to cook much to hubby's dismay as he feels compelled to get up and taste test...LOL

  5. Happy Monday Gorgeous!
    I love a good old fashion dream about something yummy and delish to eat or some superb buffet full of choices! Alas, the diet started today and dreams are the only place I'll be finding chocolate!
    Hope this finds you doing super awesome and hopefully enjoying some rest and sunshine!
    Ciao ciao for now~
    P.S. Remember, TEEN WEEK starts Feb 1st and the giveaways are HUGE plus celeb written teen posts!

  6. LOL You got that lovely spammer too!

    It's great that you now officially dream of cooking. Though the environment sounds rather difficult not having much space. Reminds me of when I used to cook on the galley of a boat and produce amazing meals. One just adapts.

    I'm looking forward to your next post about cooking - maybe a pictorial step by step? Hee-Hee! xxx

  7. GG: I don't think that the urge to cook has ever driven me from my bed.

    Cherelynn: funny how chocolate becomes so interesting once the diet starts!

    Doris: cherelynn isn't really a spammer - she's the lady who gave me the courage to draw my eyebrows back.

    I have a galley type kitchen now, though it's roomy enough to be a pleasure to work in.


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