Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dream time

Rob’s computer died on him last weekend, so we’ve been sharing – he’s also had a few days holiday, so I haven’t had the time on my computer at all. Our postcard business has to come first. We have managed to have some fun just the same. Christmas shopping, going to see the lights in town one evening, walks between downfalls and generally getting ready for Christmas. The presents are all bought and now need wrapping up.

I thought I’d better post as I had a rather strange dream about blogging last night: I was reading a cookery blog, which came by post in the form of a magazine. The problem was that the pictures were taking a long time to download. When they did they were like videos. The blogger was making whipped egg white with canned peach slices. The slices were very small and fragile and a lovely orange which went well with the egg white.

Funnily enough, I knew exactly why I’d had this dream as soon as I woke up. The Saturday supplement which comes with our newspaper was running a feature on a French blogger who writes a cookery blog and takes lots of photographs of everything she makes. The white whipped egg white came from some eye shadow I received in my latest Glossy Box. It was described as mousse and is white, when applied to the skin it gives a golden sparkle. (Will go very nicely with my little black dress on New Year’s Eve – not).

I wonder what peaches and egg white would be like…


  1. Licking the bowl after egg whites whipped was one of the few treats from childhood...

    A golden sparkle with LBD sounds worth a snap.

  2. norrible, probably. Saffron and egg white, though, that might be nice. Might be norrible too though!

  3. To add to the culinary opinions .... I never much liked raw egg white whipped. It used to be done as a pudding dish for nursery children in UK day nurseries until a certain egg fiasco with Edwina Currie stopped consumption of raw egg to vulnerable groups. Prior to that, I may have tried whipped tinnned cling peaches and egg white!! As you would expect really!

    As for the eye shadow, I came across a make-up blog on EYB which had white eyeshadow demonstrated. As you would expect really!!

  4. Caroline: even without sugar? My little Black dress days are over unfortunately - more like BIG black dress!

    Dru: I have a friend who went on a saffron cookery course, I'll ask her.

    Doris. Mrs Currie has a lot to answer for. My children grew up not knowing you could have soft boiled eggs too.

    I'll look the white eye shadow blog post up. I remember when we used white eye shadow up to the eyebrows and blue on the lids...


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