Thursday, November 01, 2012

It's a gas...

Today is a holiday here in France.  Traditionally everyone visits the graves of their loved ones with chrysanthemums.  As Rob has a job  in the tourist industry he’s at work today which means I am too.  Anyway I’ve finished for today.

Yesterday was quite active.  We had the yearly check up of the gas heater.  All is fine;  a little part needs replacing but nothing dangerous or vital for the moment.  During the afternoon, there was no gas at all.  Problems with the heating are not what anyone needs with the cold weather approaching. It turned out to be builders working on some new houses to be accidently broke a gas main.  It was fixed within a couple of hours.  The best bit was that the gas men came round checking that everyone was back in action and they even offered to turn my heater on again.  Thank goodness they did, it took a while to ignite.  If I’d have done it I’d have panicked. 

 I only knew electricity growing up so I don’t trust gas (though it makes great scrambled eggs!).  When I was in my early teens I remember the police arriving outside our classroom to fetch one of the girls, her mum had been injured when a heater exploded.  I seem to remember it was gas.
Today has been wet and mild – don’t really need the heating much yet.


  1. Julie's uncle, a well known doctor hereabouts refused to have any gas in the house. He had seen too many results of accidents and suicide. That old gas was so much more versatile!

    Everything now has so many safety devices it is hard to make a good bang and as often as not just impossible to light because the safety device has failed once again...

  2. Caroline: Thank you for the re-assurance. I remember hearing that people were blowing themselves up more when North sea gas arrived because they were trying to gas themselves and when they discovered it didn't work, lighting a cigarette in relief...


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