Saturday, August 11, 2012


Dom and J-M have rented a house in Brittany for a fortnight. They very kindly invited us to stay with them in Dinard for a few days. So we joined tham on Wednesday for a couple of days.

The house was really lovely and they were the first ever holidaymakers to use it. It was so nice to sit in the garden in the sunshine and be served delicious meals. As well as eat, we played tourists too and went for some lovely walks. The sea was so blue and it wasn’t raining (rare in Brittany). We also explored other towns nearby.

The town hall at Saint Lunaire 

It was hot! 

Thank you for inviting us Dom and J-M!


  1. Lucky you! -I used to stay in St Servain when I was working on the St Malo - Jersey/Guernsey ferry. We had fun in the evenings, goofing around in the Rance while the big boat came in on the wharf; the tide there can be really quite powerful, can't it?

  2. What a gorgeous house! Looks like a beautiful area too.

    Funny about the famous rain. I remember watching French in Action years ago. One of the early episodes had them staying in Brittany, and it was raining. "Ça fait trois jours qu'il pleût," says the narration, and Mireille gets all sarcastic about how beautiful Bretagne is. :)

  3. That looks absolutely gorgeous. What a nice holiday.

  4. Dru: We didn't get the time to swim, too much site seeing and so little time. There are so many places to see.

    Véronique: We were very, very fortunate with the weather. There were lots of houses (Villas) like that one, then the stone cottages, absolutely amazing.

    Karen: It was, I want to go back - soon!

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