Monday, July 02, 2012

Nearly a month has gone by…

I’m sorry that there hasn’t been an update for so long. Rob went back to work this morning – 5 weeks after his accident. Our 27th wedding anniversary passed without divorce proceedings due to my driving. It’s not that I drive badly I just don’t drive like him and get nervous when I’m constantly ‘given advice’.

I met up with another blogger for the first time ever in my blogging career. Caroline and her partner were passing through La Rochelle on their way home by car. They usually wave as they fly over, so it was nice to see each other for real. We sat on the port and drank coffee and chatted. I wish I could have stayed longer. Here’s the proof:

 (Weather was a bit windy)

 Dom and J-M came for the weekend as it was Rob’s birthday on Saturday. Dom made one of her wonderful cakes; Chocolate on Chocolate (can’t get more wonderful than that). It’s always good to see them and we all spent Sunday morning browsing around local Brocantes/boot sales/garage sales. I found a lovely leather wallet and the partner to a candle holder we found last year under similar circumstances. Dom’s paper has now been accepted completely for publication. She’s just submitted her second and I think, has started on a third.

That about wraps up the update.


  1. Anonymous10:30 pm

    Glad you had a nice time. It is nice to meet other bloggers in the flesh. When I first met John G he looked nothing like how I imagined he would. Zoe introduced us over the net, because I didn't realise that he lived near me at the time.

    How's your handwriting coming along?

  2. Meeting people you know from a distance only is always nice, and adds more to the conversations going forward!

    Congrats on your recent Anniversary!! Prayfully many more to go!

    Where is my piece of cake?

    Friar Don, OBR

  3. I look forward to the day that young Katie makes me chocolate cake.... not holding breath... nice pic, windy or no!

  4. Just wanted to let you know there are videos of your cousin playing that my dad has uploaded to youtube. I think he's spelled his name wrong though, and apparently the camera ran out before the end of the song on this one too, but it's a song from his new album. He'll also be in the videos marked "gramophone party"

  5. Lovely meeting you at last. Next time lets hope for longer and a little more sunshine to enjoy your marvellous city.

  6. Keith: It's funny that it takes someone in another country to introduce you to a neighbour. Do you know how Zoe is these days?

    What handwriting?

    Don: The nicest part of blogging is meeting up with and making friends with people from so many different places and walks of life.

    Next time Dom makes us a cake I'll send you a pic

    Dru: Dom certainly didn't get her inspiration from me. Cake making for birthdays was always a chore. I hope that your future hold lots of surprise cakes!

    Nancy: Thank you for letting me know about the videos.

    Caroline: Thank you. Here's to the next!

    I sorry that I've taken so long to reeply to all of your comments


I'm sorry that I've had to enable comment moderation in order to keep out the nasties