Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Son and daughter

I haven’t written much recently as I’ve been busy. Olivier and washing came home for a few days. He’s fine, but I think he’s lost weight. His job at KFC keeps him on the move as well as his studies. He says he doesn’t always have time for lunch. I think he should try getting up a little earlier…

Dom and J-M came for the weekend last weekend. It’s always a pleasure to see them. Dom made Brownies and they were delicious, of course. She’s waiting to see if her paper will be published. We went to our favourite Charity shop Emmaüs and I bought lots of books in English.

We’ve had lovely weather after a week of snow and very cold temperatures in February. Tomorrow I’m going to try to get out in the garden and plant some seeds. I garden mainly on my knees and on Friday we’re starting the injections of gel into my right knee, so I must get some done before that.

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  1. I hope your daughter's paper will be published and your garden will turn out well. All the best with the injection treatment. Take care Anji!

  2. Judy: I hope so too. The garden has got off to a slow start. We've had quite a lot of rain for a few days. Injections are going as well - as injections can go. Last one for a while at the end of this week.


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