Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good news for women everywhere

Dominique Strauss Kahn has been questioned by the authorities in France. Apparently he didn’t realize that the women at certain parties he attended in top hotels were being paid to be ‘nice’ to him. I don’t understand the prostitution laws in France, but it seems he’s broken at least one of them. This had to be finished in time for him to get to New York where he has unfinished business regarding his ‘behavior’ last May.

The man responsible for the company which produced PIP breast implants, Jean-Claude Mas, has been in custody since 6th March as his bail hasn’t been paid.

It’s good that justice is being done, but isn’t it sad that we still have a long way to go as regards certain men’s attitudes towards women?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A grey week

It’s been a very grey week here in France with all of the killings. Over and over we heard people saying ‘We never expected something like that to happen here’. The young man reminded me so much of one of my ex pupils (I know that it wasn’t). What happens to make a young man’s life change so much?

 Walking down the street I admit that I panicked a little when I saw a scooter on the road close by. Perhaps we receive too much information.

I think that many people from all walks of life have been drawn closer together for a while.

The poem I wrote during the week.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Son time

When Oliver was home a couple of weeks ago, he set me up with two computer screens. At first I felt quite giddy and kept on ‘losing the mouse’. Now I’ve settled down to this new technological breakthrough (for me at least) and wouldn’t be without it. I have to do quite a bit of research when describing some of the postcards I have for sale. It’s so useful to be able to see two lots of information at a time.

He phoned me up yesterday morning. I always know when there is a problem because of the pause before he asks me how I am. While he was playing football (soccer) he injured his toe and needs an X-ray. The X-ray isn’t the problem. What about the insurance? – Will he be expected to pay up front and how much will it cost? We have a very good back up insurance. I never have to pay for blood tests and X-rays because I always have my papers on me. I don’t know how much they cost. If he can find his papers he should be fine, if not he will pay and then be refunded later.

The best part of his toe injury is that he has been signed off work for a few days as he can’t walk very far. No KFC for a little while


Not long after French soldiers killed in Afghanistan were brought home with full honours....

This week soldier’s wives were protesting in order to bring notice to the powers that be that their husbands salaries were not being paid in full. In France if you can’t pay your bills you become ‘interdit bancaire’, which means that you cannot own a credit card or have a cheque book and the bank allows you the minimum for your needs. This is already happened to some soldier’s families and one wife has had her gas supply cut off. The powers that be have assured the families that the problem is due to a computer fault and that hundreds of staff are working 24/24, 7/7 to resolve the problem, which should be solved within the next couple of months!

 I could also write from experience about how long teachers that are new to the payment system have to wait months before their salaries come through…..

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Do you know who Kony is?

You just have to give up half an hour to watch this - please

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Son and daughter

I haven’t written much recently as I’ve been busy. Olivier and washing came home for a few days. He’s fine, but I think he’s lost weight. His job at KFC keeps him on the move as well as his studies. He says he doesn’t always have time for lunch. I think he should try getting up a little earlier…

Dom and J-M came for the weekend last weekend. It’s always a pleasure to see them. Dom made Brownies and they were delicious, of course. She’s waiting to see if her paper will be published. We went to our favourite Charity shop EmmaĆ¼s and I bought lots of books in English.

We’ve had lovely weather after a week of snow and very cold temperatures in February. Tomorrow I’m going to try to get out in the garden and plant some seeds. I garden mainly on my knees and on Friday we’re starting the injections of gel into my right knee, so I must get some done before that.

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