Saturday, February 18, 2012

All you wanted to know about French elections, but were afraid to ask

My super son-in-law to be sent me this.  Now I understand.....
(It is in English with french subtitles)


  1. Hi Anji,

    I've heard of three of the candidates - including Marine Le Pen (I know of her father).

    Interesting little report. Now I know.




  2. P.M.: With initials like yours I would expect a knowledge of international politics. For a horrible second I thought that you wrote that you knew her father. He's still trundling around in the background

  3. Nicely explained!

  4. Everyone I have met seemed to hate the onions, at first they thought they were going to be sweet tasty onions but have found them to be a bit sharp and burned and bringing tears to their eyes.

    What a laugh it was last time when so many wanted a little spice in their lives and nearly ended up with a pure hot pepper quiche...

    I shall pass this on to my French relations who are sure to say add more cream because they come from Normandy!

  5. Véronique: it the most clear explaination I've seen.

    Caroline: A hot quiche is still threatened...


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