Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Being creative - sort of

I spent 7 hours last Friday furniture building. The instructions said an hour and a half for two people.  I was on my own.  I've still got blisters on my hand from turning the screwdriver and I had lots of aches and pains on Saturday.  It's satisfying to watch the joints close snugly as you tighten the screws.  I am very proud of the result.

This week I've put up the Christmas decorations - and very nice they look, even though I say it myself.  I had a bit of a panic when I couldnt find the crib, but they were all there waiting for me in a different box to the one I thought they were in.

I haven't even thought about food much.  As we have a couple more auctions coming up, I won't be thinking much about it next week either.  One of the local supermarkets has a drive in now - I might have mentioned it before.  It will be so nice not to have to struggle with an overloaded trolley in an overcrowded shop.  I suppose the drive in will have a queue a mile long.


  1. Hi Anji,
    I see that you have been very creative, furniture building. It is good that you have put up your Christmas decorations. I still need to get a lot of things done. Take care and all the best to you.

  2. I remember christmas in Normandy where we had the christmas meal on christmas eve Then went out to buy a tree and presents and food for coming days.

    Only christmas that I could honestly sat I "enjoyed".

    That was 30years ago exactly, guess things have changed...

  3. My last furniture building experience was putting together a crib for my first baby. Never mind how many years ago that was. You have my admiration.

  4. Judy: Thank you, as well as being creative, furniture building was very physical. I had aches and pains for a couple of days afterwards.

    Caroline: Most people still celebrate the 24th with their Christmas meal. I am doing both this year ad Dom is bringing her fiancé and Olivier is working at KFC at lunchtime 25th. KFC for Christmas day?!!!

    Jan: It's not easy and there were moments when I wished I hadn't started...

  5. What has the world come to when the French want to eat KFC for christmas...


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