Sunday, August 21, 2011

31°c = 87°f

That’s what the thermometer says. Fortunately I can close the shutters to keep out the sun and open all of the windows so the house stays reasonably cool. It’s still very hot though. Surprisingly enough, I’ve been seeing and hearing flocks of birds gathering. It can’t be migration time already, can it?

I’m off to look up cold accompaniments for cold chicken. We should have rain and thunder after midnight - Whew!


  1. 31 is hot,can handle ok if theres a breeze,humid though and urgh I flake.

  2. 21 would be nice but this summer...

  3. 87 isn't hot to me.. Over 90 gets to be hot, unless there is humidity involved... But I do believe that the seasons are about to change, yes.

  4. Birds do seem to be gathering for migration; there was a great twittering group of martins over the house the other day, and a friend down in Dorset has seen wheatears heading south... the Portland Bill observatory is useful for seeing what's on the move, up here at least

    ...we used to get migrants stopping off on the ferry in Biscay, for a bit of a rest. The first time I saw a chiffchaff was on the deck next to me, entirely indifferent to my presence. And a lovely goldcrest, flitting around the lifeboats, just off Ushant...

  5. Beer is a nice, cold accompaniment for any cold dish. It's pretty much compulsory when the temperature rises above 29C.

    Well... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it...

  6. We had to go on vacation to get those kinds of temperatures. Just not happening at home this summer.

    Cold suppers are wonderful in summer!

  7. Anonymous12:34 am

    Cold chicken sounds good.

  8. Iwasn'tblogged: I'm not fond of the heat and as i write september is being very hot,. Roll on the storms.

    caroline: I know that you haven't had much of a summer...

    Don: The weather is behaving strangely this year. I wonder if we studied the records we'd find the same patterns.

    Dru: Thank you for the link - and they have moths too!

    Claire: Yes beer or a glass of cold wine

    Véronique: We live in a place where poeple come for the hot weather!

    Connie: It was good. Stuffed tomatoes this evening


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