Friday, July 22, 2011

Out of Africa and Out of Africa revisited

I was watching a news report on TV about the droughts in some parts of Africa this year. An elderly lady was being interviewed and she was saying that she had never seen such bad conditions all her life. They asked her how old she was. She was the same age as ME! It’s easy for us to appear youthful physically; we have such easy lives…

Out Of Africa was on TV last night. When it first came out I dragged Rob to the cinema to see it. He fell asleep and my French wasn’t good enough to understand the subtleties of the plot. Although, I did enjoy the shots of the magnificent scenery. At last I understand why she wanted the land. I don’t think we see enough of Meryl Streep these days


  1. I will never understand how one half of the world has so much and wastes it on plastic surgery etc and the other half has literally nothing and millions die daily.

  2. I was watching those news reports also; especially in Somalia. It is so terrible; they have declared it a famine in 2 areas. And I heard that the aid workers were not being allowed in to help the people in certain areas. Pray for the people in Somalia. It is inflation too. It has hit under-developed and developing nations the worst.
    Thanks for bringing the issue up; and I am trying to figure out who is able (which agencies) to help the worst hit areas.

  3. Iwasn'tbloggedyesterday: Yes, mere eyebrows that need plucking are so trivial compaired to what some women have to put up with.

    Prizeisright: You might be interested in Worldman's blog. He's out their organising the aid. it's very important that aid workers keep safe too. then there are stubborn governements to deal with...


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