Sunday, April 03, 2011

How things break and that link

Aha! I’m putting the link at the bottom so that you’ll read my post first…

This morning I broke my beloved Pyrex ® bowl. it’s the largest of a set of three and was so useful for salads, mixing things and making porridge in the microwave. This morning I made porridge in the microwave and the bowl slipped out of my hands as I was washing it. It shattered, which was quite a shock; Fortunately I had my glasses on, as it was a bit of an explosion.

Yesterday we received two large albums of postcards through the post. They were sent by an auction house a long way away and were well packed inside a box, each one in a large, extra strong, bubble pack bag. Wrapped one inside the other, the bags were perfect for containing the pieces broken bowl. Strange how things tie up.

* The link, it came from a Linky and Dinky newsletter. Hope that your name is on the right list!

(* For once this was something I could see better on AOL)


  1. Must be getting old, I think sex was something we did back in the old century, our names must be right off the list.

    Hope you enjoy being near the top!

    Caroline xxx

  2. Caroline: I should be so lucky!

  3. Having once dropped a Corelle plate (also glass, I think) on a hard tile floor, I can imagine what an explosion a Pyrex bowl would have caused. Glad you are not hurt! I can understand your loss too. The three I have a very well used.

    The floor in this kitchen is lodgepole pine. I think if I dropped my largest bowl, it would make a huge dent in the floor rather than break. Also bad!

    I must be somewhere in the middle of the list. At my age, that ain't bad!

  4. My man's name is near the top of the list, while mine is near the bottom. Perhaps I should be paying more attention to where he's going when he's out! o_O

  5. These old Pyrex sets are quite collectible. You might be able to replace it, if you don't mind spending a bunch for s/h. I hate when I break something I've treasured.

  6. My name wasn't on the list, so I must be in the middle... ;)

    Sorry about the bowl! I thought Pyrex bowls were not supposed to break like that?


  7. Do people eat porridge? lol. I need to try the stuff.

  8. I dropped a break resistant corelle plate once,must have put it in the dishwasher once too many times..EXPLODED..never seen anything like it.
    me and hubby are absent from the list...must be in the middle then lol

  9. Anonymous6:42 pm

    I use a glass pyrex large measuring bowl with a handle to mix up stuff. I have them in all sizes. I like the handles on them to hang onto. Plus you can microwave stuff in them. I make instant potatoes a lot in it.
    Glad it didn't cut you when it broke. I break glass on the floor a lot and get cut cleaning it up from the little shards that fly all over.

  10. I have that set of three Pyrex bowls (I've had it for more than 20 years). My husband dropped the smallest one and of course it shattered. He found a replacement on eBay and ordered it as a surprise for me. The set of bowls was one of the first things I bought when we first moved in together and he felt bad about breaking one. Yeah, I think he paid more for the one bowl plus shipping than I did for the whole original set.


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