Saturday, February 19, 2011


Our AOL box died on us in the early hours of last Friday morning. It was so frustrating, so many things to do with no internet. I worked offline as much as I could, but I do a lot of research too, so I was pulling my hair out by the end of the day.

Dom and J-M arrived that eveing and he was on his phone straight away trying to sort it out. Would you believe his call was answered immediately. It seems the box was at fault. On Saturday, Rob went out and bought us a 3G key (I’m not sure what you call it in English). This gets the internet out of fresh air as far as I’m concerned. The only problem at the moment is that the key is only on one computer at a time. It is also very slow. Rob is going to buy a box so that 5 computers can benefit from the key at the same time.

I wouldn’t have thought it but I was suffering from severe internet withdrawal symptoms most of last Friday and Saturday.


  1. Those unreliable boxes have become our window on the world!

    Fine when they work but...

    Caroline xxx

  2. You never know how much you rely on the internet, until you suddenly don't have it.

    Your 3G key sounds simliar to what I use. It's a small wireless modem about the size of a domino, that plugs into a USB port, and connects you to the internet via the same towers that mobile phones use. For some reason they work much faster when connected to a laptop, than they do when connected to a desktop computer. The speeds are also subject to how much traffic is being processed by the tower you are connecting to. I find that if I want to watch a PBS documentary, or an episode of Masterpiece Theater, without interruptions, I usually have to wait until 10:30 or 11:00 PM, when the traffic seems to die down for the night.

    Melissa XX

  3. I know how bad my computer withdrawal is when I have trouble, so I can imagine what it's been like for you. Our ISP is very reliable, but I can't say the same for our domain host. I've changed hosts 3 times this last year trying to find a decent one for a reasonable price.

    Glad to have you back, but sorry I missed you on Surf& Chat on ExposeYourBlog.

  4. Anonymous7:03 am

    We have internet with our cable company. Sometimes it is really slow.

  5. I started rationing young K's internet access recently, and she was incandescent with rage, having been used to having unrestricted and unlimited access to the TinternEt. Ouch.

  6. The same thing happened us about 6 weeks ago. I got into really bad form because I couldn't get on the internet. A few quick words with the neighbour and we were sharing their connection. Luckily it was fixed the next day. It's one of those things you take for granted until it's gone.

  7. Caroline: I've been having withdrawal symptons

    Melissa: Now I understand how it works it helps a lot, thank you.

    DB: see you in the chat box!

    Connie: It sounds as if no one has the perfect connection.

    Dru: You're treading on very dangerous ground there.

    Bill Y: The joys of Wifi and a good reason to stay on good terms with the neighbours.

  8. Free or SFR is the way to go in the Paris region, AOL is a bit of a dinosaur no?

    3G is notoriously patchy, and cannot be an solution for any length of time...

  9. Fruey: We read somewhere that there were only 2000 AOL users in France Now there are 1999. Hopefully we'll organise proper connection before I turn into a raving lunatic...

  10. It's kind of freaky to realize how much the internet is part of our lives now. I keep planning to go somewhere for a weekend where there is no connection or wifi - scary thought though. :)


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