Friday, January 21, 2011

Extra terrestrial

More exams this week. I think we’ve finished for the season. On Monday morning the bus I was on stopped by the station and an extra terrestrial got on. he put a smile on my face for the rest of the morning. There was an awful lot of giggling in the back of the bus later too.


  1. thats funny,wonder where he was off too ?lol

  2. Well, it is people like that who make our days good.

  3. Iwasn'tbloggedyesterday: Off to University like most people on that bus. I hope he wasn't taking an exam, he would have had ID problems!

    Peter: Yes, it cheered me up at the beginning of a long week.

  4. What, no pictures? We all want to see these things!! ;) Oh wait, you don't have a GREAT Android, so your picture taking is limited... ;) (Just kidding!!)

  5. Anonymous5:52 am

    Did E.T. come back to make another movie.

  6. Don: lol, I could have taken a picture with my phone, but I was so surprised.

    Connie: Perhaps that was it!

  7. So it wasn't a time-traveller then? Or isn't he due until next week?

  8. Keith: No, this one was here and now.


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