Friday, December 03, 2010

Another week skids by on the ice rink of time

After getting wet and frozen on a visit to the next town for an auction. last weekend was spent in the company of Dom and J-M. Dom has decided that she wants to study more about artificial intelligence – does the name Susan Calvin ring a bell?

On Wednesday I did something really stupid. I couldn’t get online. I was really pulling my hair out. Fortunately Rob had a half day and when he got home and couldn’t get online either. He telephoned one of his colleagues who is geeky. He told Rob to try pulling out the plug and putting it back in again. It worked – why didn’t I think of that? We’re still suffering from very poor internet connection, nothing to do with that though

Yesterday was the day that we woke up to snow. No school for the children and no buses. It was nice to walk through the village and, because of the snow, to see everyone enjoying themselves. It started to thaw out pretty quickly and now we have nasty frozen, half melted snow.


  1. Any time my internet doesn't work, I unplug my router as a first step. Usually works. I've had it not work and my first thought was "I'll look up why it doesn't work on google" at which point I remember that I can't google without the internet.

  2. urgh, I hate days without internet. funnily enough a few weeks ago we had the net and no phone..did I even miss the phone? nope ,the youngun did though lol

  3. Anonymous10:22 pm

    I think it's a law of technology that the first thing to try is always to disconnect and then reconnect. It's probably just a coincidence but it usually does the trick. And it's good to go without the internet now and again. Isn't it?

  4. RC: Yes, I tend to reach for google whenever there is a problem.

    Iwasn'tblogged: Our interent and phone go together so it was quiet. We all have mobile phones so I could keep in touch with the ones that matter.

    Graham: It's how I make my living! It was very frustrating, but I did catch up with the ironing...


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