Friday, November 12, 2010


I was just getting the washing inside when I disturbed a European Hornet on my pullover which stung me. I’m applying an ice pack - it hurts a lot.

Lots of sympathy please.


  1. Anji, you have ALL my sympathy. I seem to get all my stings in France! You have a much larger range of foes.

    Caroline xxx

  2. Definite sympathy! Those suckers are nasty. Hope it feels better soon!

  3. Oooh, I bet it hurts. Much sympathy.


  4. Caroline; larger being the operative word!

    Véronique: Thank you.

    Lucy: Thanks

    Thanks to you all,it's much better now, but still a bit tender. I will survive.

  5. Anonymous10:24 pm

    Damn but that hurts. Lots of ice, a splash of brandy and all is well. Oh, and an ice pack on the sting too. Glad you're going to survive.

  6. I hope you stung it back! Well at least stamped on the bl**dy thing!

    Lots of sympathy on the way (by email?)

  7. Graham: Excellent advice.

    Keith: No, I let it go, I frightened it by putting my hand on top of it. Apparently if you kill one, the rest of the band sense something in the air and come and take revenge.

  8. Strewth- a hornet once flew round my kitchen, in a manner that reminded me of the Battle of Britain Flight Lancaster bomber flying low overhead the other summer. Let's see- wasp - vinegar, bee- bicarbonate, hornet, ...helllllp....

  9. Dru: I used ice because I can never remember which to use where. If I remember bicarbonate begins with bee...

  10. Uhh, hate wasps, very allergic to the to!
    Yeah, hope Santa brings me some nice winter stockings!

  11. Anna: I was stung once when I was a child so I knew I wasn't allergic to them

  12. I totally sympathize. A few months ago I stepped on the opening to a hive at my local golf course and a whole swarm came after me -- I was running around like an idiot trying to fend them off with a 7-iron. Got stung on both arms and legs, and yeah, it hurts. Plenty.

  13. That thing was on your blanket?! That's like my worst nightmare. My condolences!

  14. Robert: I've written some advice to you in a later post...

    You're the second golf playing, blogging lawyer in my collection

  15. Raffi: Hello! No it was on my pullover which I'd just washed. I think that if had been on my blanket it would have been my worst nightmare too.


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