Sunday, October 03, 2010

October 88 and pregnant

Something I haven’t done for a while is get out my diaries to see what I was doing on this day in 1988. Not a lot it seems, Dom was due in November and I was childminding as well as looking after Christian who was by then 20 months old. Looking at the days around that date squeezing in rest time seems to have been my goal. The little boy who I was looking after at the time was the same age as Christian, so they had an afternoon nap at the same time. I was eight months pregnant and weighed 4 kilos lighter than I do now!!

It’s nice to look back on those days but I don’t think I’d like to go back in time if I had the choice.


  1. That sounds like a vote for contentment there Anji.

    Caroline xxx

  2. Caroline: It's so much more peaceful nowadays...

  3. If you change your mind and want to go back in time, let me know and you can borrow Jill Y's time machine. That's just the kind of helpful guy I am.

  4. That's amazing having a diary from 1988. I've burnt all mine. Maybe I should've kept them I could've used them for blogs when I've run out of ideas.

  5. Bill Y: I'm a bit of a time traveller myself.

    Sue: Originally it was what I was going to do with my blog - but real now life took it over


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