Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can I put the record straight?

In order to start receiving a state pension in France you have to have worked for 41.5 years. People who are entitled to retire at 60 will be people who started full time work before the age of 19. This means that they didn’t go far in their education and worked in low paid jobs. Most people in low paid jobs work well into their 60s in order to obtain a decent pension. Nearly every one works extra years to bump up their pensions. People who work on the black market never get a pension and work until they die or become too infirm.

The marine biologists I used to give lessons to calculated they could start thinking about retiring after they were 70.


  1. I don't know a lot about french politics but am impressed that so many people have come together to protest about something they feel so strongly about. In Ireland, we're very fond of complaining about things yet we rarely do anything apart from complaining.

  2. Bill Y: When I was young I used to say to my dad when he was moaning about 'the Irish' that at least there were people who had the courage to stand up for what they believed in.

    Hopefully it will be sorted out by the weekend.

  3. And we just bumped our retirement age up to 67! I retired from my employer after 37 years, but when I turned 62 I HAD to start taking reduced Social Security payments. When I turn 65 next year, my Paid for helath insurance goes away and I have to go on Medicare, and pay for my meds! :(

  4. I don't understand the fuss the French make. It is known that many of them work (legally or "black") beyond that age to get additional revenues. And then, most if not all of their neighbours are retiring at 65 or more. And you are completely right whith your statement about education.

  5. Mary Lou: We have a lot of coverage on how hard it is in the states. Retired people having to move out of their homes in Florida, trying to find jobs and living on the streets.

    Peter: I think that the movement has gone too far and it is more a matter of pride.


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